Die Stadtgärtner Seed Bombs "Butterfly Meadow", 8 items

A banquet for big and little butterflies

€ 8,29

(€ 1,04 / item, Price shown includes 13% VAT. - Excludes delivery costs)

Contains: 8 items

In stock from March 10

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Delivery estimated by Tuesday, 11 March

Austria: Free standard delivery from € 49,90
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Features & Advantages

  • Easy to use
  • With 25 different types of seeds
  • 8 seed bombs in a cloth bag

Item no.: XPF-DS-1000456, Content: 8 items, EAN: 4260337030057


Clever mix

  • This blend is designed to feed butterflies! It attracts them and provides them with an abundant supply of food. The mix contains over 25 different, colourful seeds like foxtail, forget-me-not, angelica, dyer's chamomile, meadow-chervil (autumnal), tickseed, borage, cornflowers, poppies, daisies, vipers bugloss, lupins, sainfoin, Dost and many other types of flowers.

Simple & practical

  • The seed bombs do not need to be planted, but can be simply placed on the soil directly or thrown into a field. The mix of clay and humus prevents the seeds from drying out or being washed away by rain.

Choosing your location

  • Seed bombs work particularly well on fenced-in industrial areas, in orphaned flower planters or in window planters ... Bring colour into your life!

Best time to plant: May to August

Brand: Die Stadtgärtner
Properties: Bee-friendly
More information

How do you plant a seed bomb?

  1. Choose your location
  2. Throw, roll, or lay down the bombs
  3. Wait for rain or water the bombs yourself
  4. Enjoy the results!

Note: If the seed bombs are stored in a cool and dry place, they will last for many months.


  • 10 walnut-sized seed bombs

What's inside?
Achillea millefolium, Adonis aestivalis, Agrostemma ghitago, Alyssum maritimum, Ameranthus caudatus, Angelica archangelica, Anthemis tinctoria, Callistephus chinensis, Centaurea cyanus, Cheiranthus allionii, Cheiranthus cheiri, Chrysanthemum coronarium, Chrysanthemum leucanthemum, Chrysanthemum segetum, Coreopsis tinctoria, Cosmos bipinatus, Cosmos sulphureus Cynoglossum amabile, Daucus carota, Delphinium consolida, Dianthus barbartus, Echium plataguineum, Eschscholtzia calififornica, Helianthus debilis, Hesperis matronalis, Hypericum perforatum, Knautia arvensis, Limonium sinuatum, Lupinus polyphyllus, Lythrum salicaria, Medicago sativa, Nemophila mentziesii, Nepeta cataria, Onobrychis sativa, Papaver rhoeas, Phacelia campanularia, Phlox drummondii grandiflora, Plantago lanceolata, Rudbeckia hirta, Sedum acre, Tagetes patula, Oenothera erythrosepala

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